Friday Focus on IFR
3.6.15 1322 Z
Best wishes for Harrison Ford’s speedy recovery, noted aviator and ambassador of flight.
2.27.15 1837Z
Returning to KOSU after an instrument training flight. Winter wonderland below, although I yearn for Spring!
2.20.15 1454 Z
If it’s too cold to fly GA instrument approaches or procedures today–and yep it’s too cold for me–jump in a simulator or do some ground with your trusted CFII (or self study). It’s all good.
13 February 2015 2014 Zulu
Friday Focus on IFR
Note to all greater central Ohio instrument pilots, instrument pilot candidates, and aspiring instrument pilots: The inaugural meeting of the Columbus Chapter, IMC Club will be held on March 25, 2015 at the Quest Conference Center (8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, OH 43240) at 7:00PM. Details to follow. Mark your calendar now!
6 February 2015 2222 Zulu
Friday Focus on IFR
(Keeping up with face-paced communications)
“There’s an app for just about everything now, including a multitude of relevant aviation-related ones to stay engaged with the field. For instance, using the application on your smartphone allows you to listen in real time to ground, tower, and/ or approach controllers at virtually any airport. I recommend logging onto high-density traffic airport sites (e.g., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Charlotte) so you can hear the rapid cadence and professional manner with which these communications are delivered. If you can keep up with the fast-paced exchanges at these busy airports, you’ll most certainly be able to maintain proficiency when flying at less-crowded airports.”
Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remember. p. 97.
30 January 2015
Stay Engaged with the Field
“To formalize your contact with professionals in the field, sign up for a locally based ground school or flight experience. The FAA’s Wings program provides an excellent opportunity to stay engaged with the latest developments while simultaneously maintaining your flight proficiency. Local universities or community colleges might offer low-cost, short courses on instrument flying that would be beneficial, too, by allowing you to dig deeper than you otherwise might without taking a course. The key experience is that you will be in the company of other instrument pilots and an instructor who will help you stay engaged.”
Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remembe(p. 95).
16 January 2015
The Columbus chapter of IMC Club, International is a step closer to launching. Thanks to a good friend and colleague, our chapter has secured professional-level, high quality meeting space. Details on upcoming meetings will be forthcoming. Meetings will be designed to improve general aviation instrument pilot proficiency.
9 January 2015 1338 Zulu
Good news to report!
Columbus, Ohio is now home to a local chapter of IMC Clubs, International. The primary goal of IMC Clubs . . . is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. Tim Heron will serve as the principal contact for the Columbus-based Club. Details on Club meetings, events, and activities will be forthcoming. To learn more about the Columbus chapter, email me at:
To learn more about the goals of IMC Clubs in general, visit the International website:
Looking forward to seeing you, and other interested instrument pilots, in the near future.
2 January 2015 0420 Zulu
Friday Focus on IFR (Scenario-Based Training)
“Rehearsing different scenarios with an instrument instructor is a functional way to practice flying in changing weather conditions. Ask your instructor to arrange specific scenarios—structural icing, thick fog—that force you to divert, change altitude, or reverse course to address changing weather situations. Such exercises will be as close to “real-life” training as possible without actually taking to the air in uncertain meteorological conditions.”
Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remember. p. 91.
26 December 2014 2340Z
Merry Christmas to all my Double i, LLC followers. I appreciate your support during the year. Just wanted to alert you that “Instrument Flying” is available through Sporty’s Pilot Shop. See p. 71 in the January 2015 catalog issue (in the mail now) for its listing. Digital (aka e-versions) are available through (follow the links for e-versions compatible with your computer or iPad).
Best wishes to all in this season.