8 May 2015 1213 Zulu
“Save this Date May 27, 2015.”
Our monthly Columbus Chapter IMC Club will be held on Wednesday, May 27, from 7:00PM to 8:30PM at Quest Conference Center, 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, OH 43240. Go to http://www.quest-centers.com for a map. Light refreshments will be served.
The focus for this meeting will be on copying and understanding ATC clearances, and viewing a video problem-solving vignette related to returning from Oshkosh. A special “Lifetime Achievement Award” presentation and social will follow.
Registration at FAAsafety.gov will become available shortly. Bring a pilot friend with you.
WINGS credit will be awarded to attendees. Bring your iPad or tablet if you want to follow and save en route scenarios.
For further information or details, contact Tim Heron, IMC Columbus Chapter co-leader at 614.620.5868 or thcfi.th@gmail.com.
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