Timothy Heron | Instrument Flying

Friday Focus on IFR

6 February 2015 2222 Zulu

Friday Focus on IFR
(Keeping up with face-paced communications)

“There’s an app for just about everything now, including a multitude of relevant aviation-related ones to stay engaged with the field. For instance, using the LiveATC.net application on your smartphone allows you to listen in real time to ground, tower, and/ or approach controllers at virtually any airport. I recommend logging onto high-density traffic airport sites (e.g., New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Charlotte) so you can hear the rapid cadence and professional manner with which these communications are delivered. If you can keep up with the fast-paced exchanges at these busy airports, you’ll most certainly be able to maintain proficiency when flying at less-crowded airports.”

Source: Instrument Flying:10 Indispensable Principles to Know and Remember. p. 97.



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